DevLog Week 7

Hi everyone ! This is Kornelija once again, back at it for another week.

this week  was quite something! We did a huge jump in mechanic completion yet at the same time a lot of issues appeared which set back to what we had planned unfortunately. Therefore upon discussion with my partner, we will no longer attempt having multiple animals with different foods that you would mix and match, sorry for that everyone!


I had originally wanted to use Farm Animal asset pack  from Unity Asset Store for the models of the sheep and possibly other animals! While as well as looking for a wolf, unfortunately I did not find a wolf one therefore I decided to make one from scratch!

But i decided to add bones to the farm animals first and foremost, through blender, unfortunately, I found out I could not do it due to some issues no one was able to find the reason to and fix and I realised I will probably have to make it from scratch, therefore we threw that asset pack out the window! With such a time crunch, as the artist, I had to make the decision to cut down on the unique-ness, just so I can finish the final game before deadline ! Really sorry about that everyone.

But bright side, after struggling to learn how to model, I did end up making a wolf model for the game ! took me quite long but I am quite proud and excited to bring this fellow to the game!

But on the game itself, this week was not as eventful on my side, all I did was using the lamp I made last few weeks, I made a post for it and attached it, making a lamp post ! This is to further aid players in helping find the path and the shack, where food and batteries will be stored. With big lights surely they cant miss it!



This week I decided to make a way of protecting the sheep from the wolf, as before there was no way of fending off the wolf if it caught sight of the sheep. We decided upon a flashlight, and if it is pointed in the direction of the wolf, it will get scared and run off.

I thought this might be overpowered, as the player then has no incentive to turn off the light, if it was always going to help them, so I added batteries to the light. They do what you probably think. If the torch is on, the battery level goes lower and lower, so you need to concerve your energy. There is a way to get more batteries but they are back in the shack, so if you are out in the forest with your sheep and run out, you have to either sprint away and try get new batteries before the wolf arrives, or brave it out and push through the darkness to bring your sheep to safety.


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