DevLog Week 15

THE FINAL WEEK. This is Kornelija, bringing you on the final moments of our journey. Its been ages, and I couldn't be more prouder. This game should be releasing in the next week or so now, thank you all for your patience!


This week was just more polishing. I did add a setting on the pause screen. On this screen the player is able to change their mouse sensitivity (this was asked by multiple people !). I also noticed that people are able to stack carrots and CLIMB over areas, which is pretty funny, but i ended up changing it unfortunately as its not a mechanic to the game!

I also fixed the skybox slightly, to make the game look nicer. Look softer than how harsh it usually is. (it may not be as noticeable, but it does feel better as an overall game.

I spent a lot of this week just playing through the game and fixing the wolves detection system, sound and speed for all things that move! It may seem minor, but I do say, it does get tedious when you must replay it 20 times in a row because the speed is still off, but Im so glad its done!



Through play-testing we found that 5 wolves were way too many. It was extremely hard to lose one wolf without attracking the attention of another. This made it extremely hard to bring the sheep back to their pen. So I took away 2 wolves and changed the pattern of the rest to cover the blind spots left by the two removed wolves.

And to improve quality of life I added a piece of UI that counted the amount of sheep you had penned out of 6. This helps the player know how many they have successfully brought back to the pen and how many sheep are still out there.


Get OPen

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