DevLog Week 2

Hi guys! KoMa back again for a new week. This week we have a new prototype once again - and probably will have one more next week before we begin on the finale! We didn't make an entirely new game , in fact our focus this week was to work on improving the prototype from playtesting, we managed to receive quite a lot of tips and opinions for each of ours and from there we made some re-adjustments, but not only that, another goal we had in mind, was to make the game unplayable! That might sound weird but sometimes making a bad mechanic or two can help bring out the fun and create new ideas!



A lot of tips I got from my game was mostly that my mouse sensitivity was too high as well as the key, which was red and placed right on the table easily accessible, so players would usually not go for the bottle first and instead the key, which took half of the fun of getting the key while drunk. On my second week I placed the key on some cluster of boxes as well as made the mouse sensitivity lower so the players could enjoy the first person experience more.

For a corrupted vision idea I decided to make it all about the boxes, which instead of being visible, to make it fun i made some invisible! Almost like a barrier as well as a puzzle piece of guessing for the player at the risk of falling to the bottom and having to go back up again, this especially seems fun during the drunk stage. They key is placed at the highest box, where the player cannot reach casually and there is no other way of reaching it, making the red highlighted bottle more appeasing as the first thing to go to!



Last week the main comment i got for my prototype was that it was extremely difficult to tell when the object in my game was moving, so in response to that I made a level with with a house and windows. To let the player know they are moving I added some objects into the world that the player passed. The walls also had lines on them from pro builder which also helped with letting the player know they are in motion.

For the corrupted vision prompt we were handed I took it in the literal sense and made some of the challenges in the game hard to see. While in the house, if the players camera is looking from above, the roof of the house would block the vision of the player to the character, which forced them to guess where they are going or switch the camera angle which would change the direction the player moved in.


Get OPen

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